Useful information tools during disasters for foreigners
These are tools that can be used by international visitors to collect information by themselves when disasters occur.
Emergency Calls
JNTO Japan Visitor Hotline (English) - 050-3816-2787 (24 hours a day)
Amublances / Fire Service - 119 (24 hours a day, at no charge)
Police - 110 (24 hours a day, at no charge)
Up-to-date News
NHK World Japan (English) -
Emergency Notification
Safety Tips (English) - download this from the App Store or Google Play store to recieve push notifications in case of earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.
JNTO (Japan Safe Travel) on Twitter (English) - follow "Japan Safe Travel" for safety tips and latest information on natural disasters. @JapanSafeTravel
Medical Institutions / Travel Insurance
List of Medical Institutions (English) - search for medical institutions by a clinical department and a language. You can also get information on how to seek treatment at medical institutions, such as through using a "point-and-speak" sheet. Information on how to obtain travel insurance after arriving in Japan is also on this page.
Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO)
These services provide a wide range of useful travel information, including natural disaster information.
JNTO Official website (English) - check the "Important Notice" section.
Japan Official Travel App (English) - you can recieve the same push notifications that the Safety Tips App gets. Please download from the App Store or Google Play store.
More Information
For more information about disaster-related information for international visitors in Japan, please see the PDF files below.
재해 시에 일본 방문 외국인 여행자에게 정보제공 도움이 되는 방법에 대해(PDFファイル:206.1KB)
観光庁の「Safety Information Card」参照
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